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All-in-one HR technology drives efficiency for Papa Johns franchisee

As CEO of Bajco Group (260+ Papa Johns locations and counting), Nadeem Bajwa understands how the right technology can fuel business growth.

“People are not hired based on how sophisticated they are with technology. That’s why it has to be easy. As a business owner you want to protect yourself and have the most efficient software that is easy to use.”

Nadeem Bajwa

Owner, Bajco Group, Papa Johns
The problem

Efficiency suffers when operations aren't streamlined

About Bajco Group

After the success of its first two Papa Johns locations in 2002, Bajco Group quickly expanded into one of the largest Papa Johns franchisees in the US. It now owns and operates over 260 locations in 11 states, with more on the way. 

Its vision and mission to become a best-in-class owner-operator in QSR guides it in leveraging cutting-edge technology to create value for its customers and employees. 

Locations: 260+
Industry: Restaurants

In the restaurant industry, there’s never enough time. Nadeem noticed that his store managers were forced to juggle daily operations with the ongoing responsibility of hiring and onboarding new team members. With competing responsibilities jostling for priority, many managers were unable to prioritize effectively and hiring and onboarding fell through the cracks. 

Nadeem summarized the challenge: “Normally there’s one general manager working the restaurant. If you have two new team members to onboard, do you want to focus on your customer, or are you going to focus on [onboarding]? Both are important. But your customer is not going to wait around.”

Beyond efficiency challenges, escalating costs also brought mounting pressure for Bajco Group, and with it came the need to balance growth and service against the relentless rise in food and labor expenses. Nadeem was at a crossroads: find a better process or face the consequences.

The solution

Integrating HR, hiring, and payroll for a smooth admin experience

After being introduced to Workstream, Nadeem realized that an all-in-one approach to payroll, HR, and hiring was what he had been looking for. Not only did Workstream deliver a modern, user-friendly experience, but it allowed him to consolidate several disconnected tools into one streamlined system.

Solution Icon

Instantly updated records

“We used to onboard somebody,” Nadeem explained, “then there was more manual work which would frustrate the managers. With [Workstream], you just onboard and everything–all information–just flows to the end and that makes everybody’s job really easy.”


User-friendly software

"As a business owner, you want to have the most efficient software that is easy to use. It's all about user experience," says Nadeem. With Workstream's efficient, user-friendly platform, even his less tech-savvy employees can navigate it effortlessly.

the wins

Better efficiency = better customer service

Nadeem believes that when businesses equip their teams with the right tools, they empower their employees to focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional customer service. In partnering with Workstream, he bet that all-in-one technology would unlock the efficiency he’d been looking for, and the early results speak for themselves.

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