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Overcoming the Challenges of a Restaurant Business

Overcoming the Challenges of a Restaurant Business

Christopher is a serial restaurateur and owner of Crazy Harry's Bar, which has been featured by Forbes, and has been ranked by craftbeer.com as the number one craft beer bar for the last 2 years.

As a child, Christopher aspired to be a lawyer, but he eventually found his true calling in the F&B industry, cooking and serving people. From preparing food, ringing in orders and even cleaning tables, Christopher truly enjoyed the entire process. He even started a taco blog called Order of the Taco, which focused on food and travel (as he goes around eating tacos!).

Fast forward to today, Christopher has opened numerous restaurant chains, not just in the U.S., but also all over the world. He also runs a small consulting firm targeting restaurants and bars. In the near future, he intends to expand his business by opening a small diner-style restaurant.

Q: You have a rich experience in the Food and Beverage industry, what was the most challenging project that you handled? 

Chris: The most challenging project would have been opening a restaurant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We were there during Ramadan, and there was a tremendous amount of tension between the franchisee and franchiser. Working with the multiple languages, cultures and being respectful to all of their traditions that we were not completely familiar with opened the door for a number of unforeseen challenges.

Q: What are the superpowers of your team?

Chris: Consistency. The Hallmark of a great bar and or restaurant is consistency. We want to make sure the customers know what to expect. We want people to be interested in what we are up to, and be a part of it with us. Nothing great is really that great unless you get to share it. 

Q: How would you describe your leadership style?

Chris: Ever evolving, I hope! I'm a very direct person, I think it is important to manage the details while still leaving a lot of creative freedom in all projects. I will often ensure that things are done, as it drives me insane to see how long it'll take before someone takes the initiative. I want to invest in people that want to invest in themselves. The more folks put in, the more I'll repay them with happiness.

Workstream's Recruiting Tip:

Stay on top of things and still manage the details through the streamlined feed in Workstream's dashboard and mobile application, regardless of where you are. From new applicants to referrals and even existing employees, check on the status of their hiring stages, onboarding or training documents with ease.


crazy harry's bar

Q: What is the biggest challenge you have met in your career? 

Chris: The growing trends of social media and things out of my comfort zone. I still carry note cards and a pen everywhere. I like taking my notes like this, and transferring the written notes to another medium, be it a computer, or email, or something. It is a challenge to let go of silly stubbornness and learning about some of the newer systems. It is a constant fight of data vs gut and so much is turning into data, yet I still like to use the gut for most of it.

Workstream's Recruiting Tip:

Ease into technology with Workstream's paperless onboarding system. Fuss-free and user-friendly template and document storage ensure that all of your documents are stored electronically. Trigger alerts will also be sent if the paperwork is incomplete. Preserve important HR documents and never lose them again!

Q: What are some challenges or trends you see in hiring today?

Chris: Work ethics.More like the serious lack of it. It amazes me that many companies I consult for are facing the same struggles. Folks feel like they are working their tail off, but in reality are not at all. More money goes into paying the wages, as we are taking such a big hike at once. This is causing product prices to increase, so we want better folks to help justify the hike even more. But finding great folks that will show up, that will work, that do want to grow, is becoming harder and harder.

Workstream's Recruiting Tip:

Identify key candidates that suit your hiring criteria with smart screening. Through questions (set by yourself) on topics such as availability, proximity to business and credentials, candidates are automatically scored through Workstream's system to determine if they are interested and qualified.

harry's bar

Q: Have you ever had an hourly job? If yes, please share with us your experience.

Chris: My last hourly job was in 2000. I was waiting tables and a prep cook. I hated it. I didn't mine staying later some days and leaving earlier others for the same pay. I want to not feel rushed or strapped to those time frames. I don't really like breaks, and if I do, I don't want 10 minutes or this other malarkey where I can't do anything or it's against the employer. I think it is nuts but that is just for me personally.

Q: Who inspires you and why? Have you ever had an hourly job?

Chris: Everyone and thing inspires me. I work hard on my own emotional intelligence and take time to reflect and meditate everyday. I now feel inspired by every situation - the good, bad, positive, negative, happy, sad times. My goal is to give every person I encounter moments of making their life better, to inspire them.

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